Slightly later than I had planned but here is my first blog post of 2013. It's been busy at work with lots of events happening on the GP calendar (I work for the NHS now). Wednesday I got to go to Buckfast Abbey conference centre and time keep by blowing a whistle every 10, 8 and 2 minutes. This was my view from the freezing cold corridor:
A lovely view (my camera phone doesn't do it justice) and best of all I got time to write. Not just this post but a story too. I was inspired by an episode of duck hunters and it got my creative juices flowing. I'm about 400 odd words into a first draft and now I actually feel the January blues ebbing away. It's a great feeling starting with a blank page and seeing a story appear as if by magic and I often find myself thinking 'Did I write that?' - sometimes in a bad way but sometimes in a good way too.
I didn't make any resolutions because I never stick to them but I've made a list of things to get done.
- blog at least once a week
- sub a story every other month
- contribute more to my writing group
- drink more water
- do things that make me happy
It's not a challenging list but its something similar to what I did at school and it works for me, keeps me going. I was really good at spelling at school for a couple of years running I set 'Do better at spelling' as my goals. Every year I'd be rewarded with a mars bar from my teacher. I'm not sure whether my love of chocolate came before my love of writing but they go hand in hand I guess. I didn't get away with it my third year when I was told my goal should be to improve my maths. Suffice to say I didn't get that mars bar again (and I'm retaking GCSE maths!)