
Thursday, 9 December 2010

Finally settled!

This is the first lunch break at work I have had where the hour didn't get gobbled up by present searching, coursework, bill paying, flat hunting, various other things that I have possible blocked out for stress inducing reasons.  I'm better now I am happy to say.  Everything from that knot in my stomach to that crater on my face - all gone!  Not sure whether it's the Kalms that I've been taking or the lack of crap things happening of late but I actually feel quite relaxed.  I got my first TMA into my tutor last week (more on that in my next post)  and we FINALLY have internet (can I get an Amen!! - it was definitely a miracle we got it in the end).  O2 were useless blaming everything but themselves for the delay.  There was one saving grace though - in their Glasgow branch.  A very nice man called Clive.  He is definitely on my Crimbo card list and my list of people who to call should I ever decide to move again (never again!!!)

Womag 2 Weekly is closed for short story submissions until January so I have until then to pull another shorty out of the bag.  Sadly I am yet to report a short story sale.  I remain optimistic as I still have some with The Weekly News (sending good thoughts your way Jill! - as if that's all it takes :S).  This will give me time to work on the novel also as I have become a member of Chapter2Weekly which the lovely Suzanne Jones has founded for us novel wannawriters or in my case finishers.

That's all for now.  I promise to come back soon with more about my OU course (which I am LOVING btw)


  1. So glad you've got light at the of a (long) tunnel Lily. Caroline x

  2. Glad things seem to be calming down for you now and good luck that you hear some good news with your sales soon.

  3. I'm glad things are getting better for you, Lily.

    Keep sending those stories out - it's only a matter of time before you get those sales. And we're really looking forward to seeing you over at Chapter 2 Weekly.


  4. Glad things are a little less mad - though I know that feeling of having to pull stories out of hats. Just aren't enough hours in a day, are there?

    Glad you're all settled in and Broadbanded up for the Christmas holidays. Funny how much more writing gets done without the internet though... ahem... ho ho ho...

  5. Thanks Caroline and Debs. I do hope I hear something soon. It would end the year quite nicely.

    Suzanne - will do and sorry I've been a bit rubbish with c2w. I will be there in the new year i promise. Just need to get a bit more organised.

    Jen - sadly not, by the time ive endure the 1 hour bus ride home from work I am fit for nothing except couch and hollyoaks. I am getting on with the OU work though which is good.
