
Sunday, 14 February 2010

Catching Up

Thanks to all those being patient with me right now.  I've not been blogging or commenting a lot recently due to still not having normal speed or regular internet access but fingers crossed it will be sorted this Wednesday.

Since my last post this is whats been happening:

- I FINALLY treated myself to a netbook.  I love it.  Its got up to 7 hours battery so I can go out with it without fear it will run low in the space of an hour.  It also plays movies really well so I can watch movies when I'm not writing on long journeys.  I just need to get used to typing on it!

 - My insurance company finally came through and I am getting some treatment for my bad back. I had acupuncture yesterday which I personally didn't really like but I'll try anything if it helps.  I have been told I can't go running but I can sign up for this years race 4 life so I am feeling confident about feeling better soon.

- My writing is going well.  I'm hoping to start the novel rewrite soon but for now I have been concentrating on writing stories for Womag 2 Weekly.  I love the group, the critiques and reading some really great stories.  I am planning to sub some stories next week once they have been through a final edit.

- I took part in Womag Writer's magazine swap.    I received 2 Australian womags which I intend to study well before getting some stories down under! Thank you Womag and Claire!

- Work has calmed down a lot and I feel a lot less stressed out.  I scored well in my appraisal on Friday and it turns out that arguing with my boss pays off.  He said it showed him how much I care about my work and that made me feel a lot better.  He also gave me some really good advice which I can apply to my writing which is to set myself achievable goals and to break things down into half hour segments.  I also need to be realistic about my goals and to tick things off to get a sense of achievement.  He also told me to take a cigarette break to access situations but as I don't smoke I might just ignore that but I get his point. It's all about time management and writing this blog post is something I can tick of my list.  I'm now off to get tea and a muffin (that's a very achievable goal for me).


  1. Oh I sympathise with you. I could so do with learning those lessons. Glad to hear that things are picking up.

  2. I haven't been blogging or commenting much either recently and I have no real excuse. I am trying to get back into the flow of it. Fingers crossed!

  3. Coletter - thank you. So am I - now if we can only get internet I can really calm down

    Thanks Suzanne - after a few physio appointments I'm feeling a world of difference aleady and iI still have 4 more appts left.

    Sarahg - Once ur back in the swing of things it gets easier. the dongle I am borrowing is soooo slow so makes it painful to wait for each blog to load. Still worth it in the end!

  4. I have a Samsung Netbook and adore it.

    Hope your back starts to feel a little better soon.

    I also had my annual review on Friday and it went very well, which was a relief.

  5. Debs - thanks, its getting there. Glad you had a good review also. I'm glad mine is over with phew!
