
Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Belgian Blogger

Today I am in Brussels working in one of my Company's (not my Company - the one I work for) other offices. The office is very nice, much nicer than ours in that it actually has air conditioning and a toilet brush. I am without a computer in the evening for the next few days so haven't been able to do my 100 words. I know I know..pen and paper...feel free to yell at me. I will definately try and get some done today and not take another year trying to get another 25% done.
Oh I have just chucked away a very dodgy looking snicker bar which I bought for €1.40. No idea how long it has been around and it was half the size of a normal bar. That will teach me not to buy the Belgian Chocs.

In more writing and less chocolate related news I have purchased my copy of Company since I last blogged (not yet managed to get the Galaxy bar yet - what is wrong with me??) I am currently working on my story for that which I am very enthusiastic about so thanks to Helen for posting that on the Novel Racers blog.

Have a great Wednesday!!

Tuesday, 19 August 2008

For Lolly

This post is dedicated to Lolly

As requested I am dedicating this to my lovely sister Lolly. Yes that’s Lolly and Lily. Don’t judge us please. I read an article recently about an author who used a pseudonym like a lot of us (yes that includes me). It struck me as very interesting that the author was a man taking on the persona of a woman. This enabled him to write a woman's character and views more freely. I wonder if I renamed myself Keith Merewhether, whether that would enable me to tap into my more masculine side. What is in a name? I know I don’t tend to look at the names on books unless someone has recommended one to me or I'm looking for an author I particularly like. I always use my real name for short stories but felt that Lily was more suited to the type of book I am writing. Would I still read a chicklit novel if it were written by a man. Maybe I have done and just didn't know about it. Maybe I may try my next short story under a male pseudonym and see where it gets me.

Sunday, 17 August 2008

I did it!!

19645 / 80000 words. 25% done!

Monday, 11 August 2008

Nearly a quarter of the way there

Nearly at that quarter way mark. Over the next few days? No probs. Feeling quite tired now. Need all my energy for Aquafit tomorrow. I ACHE just thinking about it. I need to look good for wedding on Sat (not my own I should add). Sorry it sounds like a robot is writing this but I left it too late to write anything interesting and human but wanted to say HELLO.

Saturday, 9 August 2008

Don't drink and write

Ok so apart from my 100 words entry for today I haven't written anything since Thursday. I was a little apprehensive about reading back what I had written as I had consumed what I think would have amounted to a whole bottle of wine. I got in after having drinks with an old friend and realised I hadn't done my 100 words. It was only around 10.30 and felt being half cut wasn't a good enough reason to not write my words. I just read them back and I was so impressed. I don't remember writing most of it and there was only one spelling mistake. I wouldn't use alcohol as an aid in future though as I recall it took me a while to write these words.

Meanwhile back at procrastination manor I have been hooked (HOOKED I TELL YOU) on this:

Wednesday, 6 August 2008

What you see isn't always what you get

Yesterday evening was Ladies Night at my local. No, not bar, pool. I spent about 2 hours there in total which isn't bad for just under £4. The half an hour that I spent in the main pool was interesting. Each time I swam a length I would pass these two women. Well, **** me if they didn't spend the whole time talking about food (and some other stuff). But seriously, without sounding like I was deliberately listening in on their conversation, it was amazing to me just how much ground they covered in only half an hour. When they had finished their conversation about what they should or shouldn't be eating (burgers came up at one point and all I could think about were the heavenly golden arches), they were talking about friends, work, love. I only got snippets of the conversation each time our waters met but they sounded like great characters. I had intended to leave after 30 minutes but then I met someone. No, not a guy - I'm very much in love. No, I kind of made a new friend. She was the sort of person you don't come across every day but she has the power to befriend you. The rest of that two hours were spent chatting while attempting an aquafit class (if you've ever done one then you'll be feeling my pain). I think I got her life story in that time. She was so interesting and easy to talk to. I have only read about characters like her before. Like I said in a comment recently, it is amazing how interesting even the most mundane situations can be.

Monday, 4 August 2008

I made the top three!!

Yay I came runner up at something. The lovely Lucy Diamond and her other half placed me in good company at the weekend when they announced the !st, 2nd and 3rd places of the limerick competition. I really just wanted to blog about that as I am so pleased about it.

In other news I managed to well and truely mess up my blog at the weekend. I lost a lot, well all, of my widgets just because I wanted a new template. If anyone can recommend any good template sites I can visit I would be really grateful. I want it to look professional but not boring at the same time.

Right, back to the word count!!!!

Saturday, 2 August 2008

My top 10 tips for writing

Here are my top tips for writing. They have really helped me out since I started writing on a regular basis:

1. Tell yourself you are a writer. I came out as a writer in September of last year and the more I say it the more I believe it. Check out my first blog post. You heard it here first!

2. Try and write something, however little, every day. Try Helen’s 100 words a day blog. I have found it really works and stops writing becoming something you dread.

3. Try and stay away from the TV/Facebook/You tube (its easier said than done I know) – these are my biggest distractions of all time. I have to sit in my room where the telly has not got very good reception, but I am currently addicted to Lauren Lukes makeup videos on You Tube. Having said that its nice to have breaks and they can sometimes allow for ideas to come through when they are not being forced out.

4. A laptop is good to have or a computer as if you are like me it is impossible to read back my own writing. Internet is great for research, just as long as its research for your writing and not what eyeshadow you should be wearing that day!

5. Be organised – Y writer is a great tool to use. I read about this on Paige’s blog and it has helped me organise the novel I’m writing. It was in such a mess so thanks to Paige for blogging about that (and to Calistro for pointing it out). This is a tool for editing but as my novel was looking like a tarantino movie I had to use this while still in the writing stage.

6. Write a blog or keep a diary – whatever you like. I have noticed some You Tubers even do it. I don’t look too great on camera so I don’t think I will be doing that any time soon.

7. Join the community – you have no idea how many people there are in your shoes. I thought I was the only one who wanted to be a writer but couldn’t and I’m not. I have had so much help with my writing be it advice, encouragement, links to competitions, useful website etc. The most helpful person I know (I have never met her in person I should note) is Calistro so a big thank you and shout out to you if you are reading this.

8. Enter competitions. I have entered a few now and although I haven’t won any its built up my confidence and I have had some advice from one editor in particular who wants to publish one of my stories.

9. Always keep a notebook handy. You have no idea when inspiration strikes. You can be in the bath, half asleep in bed, on the toilet, standing up on the bus. It always happens to me in those places. I think its because I’ve switched off and not really thinking about anything which allows the ideas to come to the surface. (obviously I know you wouldn’t have a notebook while on the toilet but keep one as close as possible.

10. Learn to take criticism and advice. You can join writers forums where you can post stuff and have it critiqued by fellow writers. If this is daunting for you (like me) you can ask a friend or relative to read your work and tell you what they like/don’t like. My sister and my mum are my target audience so I always ask them to critique my work.

I have loads more so I will keep adding these for anyone who is interested. Please comment with your top tips too!

PS As a kind of a MeMe I tag anyone who wants to post their top ten tips (let me know if you do so I can come over and learn a thing or two!)

Friday, 1 August 2008

Annoyed with myself

Unfortunately the short story idea came too late. I was up till one this morning, and I saw no light at the end of the tunnel. I had the concept, the research but unfortunately the writing went out the window for this one. It all felt too rushed and it’s a story idea I love and I have wanted to write about my Dad being at sea for a long long time. What I had at one o’clock this morning did not do the story, me or most important of all. its characters any justice at all. I will carry on working on it and submit it elsewhere when I feel happy with it and when I find a suitable home of course. I’m just disappointed and annoyed at myself for giving up on it because it was tailor made for that competition. I will have the night off tonight as I am going to see Hancock but I'll have the whole weekend to do it right.